Intimacy with God is the Source of Love

“Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love. God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.”
‭‭1 John‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬-‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Loving God drives love for others. In order to love others from a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith (1 Tim 1:5) we have to be intimate with God because intimacy with God is the source of love. You cannot love sincerely if your love for God is distant.

You nearness to God brings You out of guarded or self- protected love because you do not see any of that in Jesus. You move beyond fear of being hurt if you extend your heart again and again because you don’t see that in Jesus.

We are responsible for developing Love. We must grow into love and not just fall for it. We do this by

•Forgiving others.

•Speaking words of love,


•And Caring deeply for others.

In the chapter above, John isn’t talking about feelings of concern but deliberate choices to help others with their needs. By showing up, but inviting a family for dinner at your place, by showing mercy even when it won’t feel right because they have crossed the line, by forgiving them again and again every-time it crosses your mind.

?Why must we show love?

1. Love is the very nature of God – showed by giving us Jesus (v.7-9).

2. Because God loved us – we who have experienced His love , forgiveness , and help are obligated to help others even at personal cost.

3. If we love one another, God continues to live in us and His love is made complete in Us (v.12)

We must become love. Because God so loved the world ( John 3:16) not just one person but the whole world, we ought to love everybody always. We do not get to pick and choose who we will love and who will not love. No matter how difficult one may be, we ought to love them with unconditional love. Bob Goff in his book everybody always said “ We are all rough drafts of the people we are still becoming”. So because of this, i believe , we must show some amount of grace just as God did to and for us.

Ref: The Bible.

Brave Love , Brian and Christy Brennt.

Everybody always, Bob Goff

The Name (Jesus)

Everything has a name. Every name has meaning. Every meaning carries some sort of “power” with it. And One thing will always remain True, there is one Name that has Power over every other name. That Name Is Jesus.

“For to us a Child shall be born, to us a Son shall be given; And the government shall be upon His shoulder, And His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭9:6‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Every time a situation is given a name , two things happen;

1: people drown in fear, people fall into depression, people are shattered, people lose hope and the will to keep moving forward dies.

2: people rejoice, people feel relieved, people plan for the future cause there is still hope.

When a situation is given a bad name, there is one thing we all forget, we forget about The Name. The Name that is above every other name. Be it cancer, HIV/AIDS, meningitis, depression, bi-polar, mental illness. The Name of Jesus is above all other names.

When a situation is given a good name , we often Forget to call upon The Name of Jesus to give Thanks.

“Jesus came up and said to them, “All authority (all power of absolute rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28:18‬ ‭AMP‬‬

The Name of Jesus has all the Power to heal and belittle every other “name and power”.

“so that at The Name of Jesus every knee shall bow [in submission], of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess and openly acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord (sovereign God), to the glory of God the Father.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:10-11‬ ‭AMP‬‬

So whatever “name and power” you have given to the situation you are in right now is nothing compared to The Name Of Jesus. Call upon it, Call The Name of Jesus right now and that situation will change for the good, the best and the Better. For His name is Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Healer, Redeemer, Mighty God, Everlasting Father. He Is everything Good.

In Good Times , call upon The Name Of Jesus.

In Bad Times, call upon The Name Of Jesus.

Made for love

The pilgrim's journey

Core to our nature as human beings is the fact that we are created by God, He made us in His image and gave us dominion over creation. What that implies fundamentally is that we do not belong to ourselves from the get go, we belong to Him who made us. In disobedience we made/make ourselves slaves to sin and so Jesus had to die to redeem us by satisfying the justice of God in Himself.

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is within you, whom you have [received as a gift] from God, and that you are not your own [property]? You were bought with a price [you were actually purchased with the precious blood of Jesus and made His own]. So then, honor and glorify God with your body.

1 Corinthians 6:19‭-‬20 AMP

The implication of this in the…

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There is Power In Crawling

Mark 5:21-34.

We are all familiar with story that talks about the woman that had a flow of blood for years. 12 years. The bible says she had everything. Tried everyone. Spent so much for healing. But nothing happened. The problem stayed.

She was in a season of being tested for years. While she was in this season “ In the waiting season “ there was a lot of moving around, looking for help in the wrong direction. This wasted lots of her fortune. And she never got better, it only got worse.

Then it so happened that one day. There was a man , a certain man. A chosen one. One who was with no sin. One who was perfect till today. One who never disappointed His Father till the time He died. The man who knew what was going to happen to Him but still chose to stay in that path no matter how sad and difficult and painful it was going to be.

On this particular day , the woman with issue of blood met Jesus. Because it was crowded , a lot of people, a lot of voices, a lot of people who were inneed, a lot of who wanted to know more about this cool dude, people who wanted to see Him fail. There were lots of people…. so, She “thought” to herself, what if i just touch His Garment and i am sure I’ll be healed. It was just a simple “thought” and she acted upon it.

She crawled. Get this, all this time she had been walking and running. Most probably because she thought if she seeks help from some physicians she will be healed. “Thoughts” . But the day she crawled. Without having to think of how much she had to pay after touching His garment. She didn’t Not even for a second. What she thought of was healing.

And you know what happened. Jesus said your Faith has healed you.

In the waiting room , you don’t need to run around looking for answers. In the waiting room you are going to meet a lot of people who are going to say a lot of stuff. if you are not careful , they will push you to waste everything valuable you got in order to attain breakthrough and healing that only can granted by God for free and without fear of being let down.

Sometimes all you do is crawl. Crawl in the waiting room and see what God does for you.

Be careful of the people you hang around with when you are in the waiting. Cause the waiting room is going to be tough . But when when you are connected to the right crowd you’ll be strengthened. People will give you different options. Everyone is opinionated in a way after all! Most of these won’t encourage you to wait. So the right crowd is important

If you wait on the Lord , He will do exceedingly, abundantly and above all you ask for. And that will be enough for you.

The other thing you need to pay attention to when you are waiting for God are your “thoughts.” Pay attention to them. Because those same thoughts can lead you to the light or the darkness. Your thoughts are important to pay attention to.

Start filling your thoughts with positive thoughts 💭.

Here is something i would love for all of us to consider doing when we are in the waiting!

Stop running and consider crawling.
Start filling your thoughts with, positive thoughts 💭.
And the Waiting will be worth the wait✨

And the Waiting will be worth the wait

Lessons Learnt

There are events that take place when we least expect them to. One of these is death. No one is fond of death, but truth is it is around us, every day, looks for a place to hit. It might not be someone we know at a personal level today but one day it will be. When it hits home, it hurts!.

I have lost quite a number of people i knew at a personal level. Some I talked to every day, some i did not but i knew them a lot. Some i used to hide and say i will say hello tomorrow, i am sure I’ll meet them again. Some i just thought of them and said i will video call them later or I’ll text them later. Sadly most of them i never got to text, meet and greet and video chat with them.

I really never knew how painful it was to lose someone that was close to you. I really did not quite understand the meaning of losing someone to death. I really did not know how someone felt when they lost someone until it happened to me. It is so devastating, the worst feeling ever.

But through it all I’ve learnt some life lessons because God had been teaching me some cool stuff. I’ve learnt not to procrastinate, I’ve learnt to text when i feel like i have to, i have learnt to call that person when they cross my mind, I’ve learnt to greet that person even when i bump into then 3 times in a day. I have learnt to love everyone in every way i can possibly can, i have learnt to try and make myself available for friends and family and even strangers. I have learnt to forgive those who hurt me and most importantly forgive myself for the messed up things i do sometimes and learn from those mistakes and be a better me.

Why? Because tomorrow is not promised. As much as we make plans for ourselves and others we tend to forget that Isaiah 55:8-9 tells us that His thoughts and ways are not ours. His are always higher. Through death God has shown us that there is a higher power above us, a power we can not escape. It’s a power that changes everything when it hits you. Of all the higher and best ways God has for us, death is one of the best because He will be calling us to Him. It will be time to trade the Cross for a Crown and be in that promised Mansion.

These are the lessons i have learnt in a way that we all can agree the hardest ways. I have also learnt that with the passing of a loved one (every time we lose someone) God is awakening to a real reality. The reality is, we have a citizenship of Heaven and here on earth we are just pilgrims.

All things work together for good (Rom 8:28). All things, not some but all. As long as we stick with God, in every circumstance we will know that God and Only God is enough. God is love and He loved us with an everlasting love, a love that never dies cause we have the Cross , we ought to love one another as well just like We love ourselves.

I pray that in every circumstance that you may be in right now, may you be enlightened to the goodness of God. Count it all Joy because there is a God given beauty in everything we go through.

Giving up your heart

One of the hardest things One can do is to give up their heart to something or someone. The heart holds all the issues of our-lives and just letting someone into your space is a big risk to take as you might not know how the person you are giving it to will handle your heart!

At one point you’ll think of all the people you gave your heart to, the people you trusted and they broke it. Not once or twice but so many times. because you feel you have been stabbed in the back before , you will find it hard to trust anyone with your heart.

Going through all the troubles of life, alone, will be the only option you think you have. This weighs you down that you fail to see the one person who cares for you with everything in Him. That person is God. You fail to understand that He understands everything you’ll be going through at any given time. You fail to accept His love and believe in His promises that He will walk through it with you, He won’t let you go.

You see, God’s love is so big that He can do it all with you but He won’t be able to if you do not give up your heart to Him. He needs you to tell Him exactly how you are feeling, how you are nothing without Him, how He is the only option you have, how He is all you need. He needs you to tell Him.

So, dear friend , give up your heart to God everyday. Tell him how your heart is His home, tell Him how much He is welcomed. God loves you, He chose you and He is always ready to listen

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son,

Today is enough trouble of its own, so why worry about tomorrow?

Matthew 6:34
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil therefore.

Often times I found myself in a state of being unease. I fell into anxiety so fast that I forgot to acknowledge the Presence and importance of God in my life. I forgot that only God can satisfy. I forgot to apply the Scriptures that God has made known unto me through the Word and through other people, be it family or friends. My desire to be in control of my future was so strong that I spent hours thinking of how I was going to fix everything. I claimed I trusted God with my life but I still found myself wanting to be in control. Trust and control can never ever go hand in hand.

I worried about what I am going to be in the future, career wise, who I am going to be married to. I worried about what will happen if I mess up and everyone who believes in me will be broken. I wanted to be perfect for everyone and everything. I just did not want anyone to be disappointed because of me because I knew, still do how it feels to be disappointed by someone you believe in.

One particular day GOD exposed this side of me. I felt Him deep inside saying I needed to trust Him with my life. He cannot do anything new in me if I kept safe in a space of wanting to be in control. It was hard to just let Go of all these worries. I really wanted to hold on to them and make sure it works out. Crazy, isn’t it? How can I know more about my life that God? The bible clearly says He knew me before I was knit in my mother’s womb {Jer 1:5}. So how can I know?

God took me to Matthew 6: 25-34. The scripture talks of the birds of the earth, how they neither reap nor sow yet they do not even worry about what they will eat tomorrow or the day after. Why? God has made it clear to them that He will provide for them no matter what state or place they are in, God will always come through. I figured that birds have understood the necessity seasons. They have understood the word of God that they trust God in whatever season they are in. they don’t try to be in control of the future. They don’t fixate their mind on what might be but rather on what is, the now.

The other part talks of how flowers are dressed up by God himself. And the beautiful thing is God dresses them to be the most beautiful and colourful plants on Earth. Flowers don’t even think about it because they know God will show up.

As God was making this clear He said, whenever your mind is unease, whenever you are worrying and trying to be in control your mind is always fixed on negative outcomes. Haven’t I told you that you are to fix your minds on whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, things you have heard of me and seen me do. {Phil 4:8}. In simple terms fix your mind on me, always, everyday, lean on me.It is not easy, I said. Sometimes I pray and I still feel that you are far. He stopped me and said, “I am always there, closer than you know. Always been, always will. Take the first step, move and I will move with you.”

Dear friend, whatever you are going through right now God is right there. He is with you, He never left. He wants you to trust Him, make the move first and He will move as well. See, God won’t force you to trust Him with your life. He waits on you to open up and say the Words I TRUST YOU GOD. God has plans for you to prosper these thoughts don’t have a plan B. They do not air on the negative side, never. All His thoughts are positive always have been and always will be. Jer 29:11. Do not worry if you are going to pass your exams or not, get married or not, have a happy married life or not, be successful or not because the one who wrote your story made sure it was going to bloom and be the most beautiful life. Remember, that won’t happen if you keep being in charge of your future. All things will work out together for your good if you trust in Him. Rom 8:28

I understand if you feel like you are at the end now, God understands too. He felt it too through Jesus, His son. He will make a way out for you, He will part that sea, walk you through the valley of death and He won’t let any fire kindle you when you pass through flames. He has your back and He sure has your Future in His hands, safest place you can be.

God wants you to have peace, He doesn’t want you thinking about tomorrow. Pray about it Phil 4:6-7, even if it feels like He is far, He Is closer than your skin is to your bones. If He can do so much for the birds and plans of the earth, what more about you? The one He created in his own image. His breath lives in you. He loves more than you can imagine. He doesn’t want you worrying because He knows today is enough trouble of its own.