Apart from God I have No Good Thing !

We are wired to worship. When we fail to worship our Creator, we look for other things in creation as his Replacement

They exchanged the truth about God for a lie,and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen

Rom 2:25.

Instead of finding our joy , identity ,centre, hope, strenghth, salvation and security in God, we try to find the things we are looking for in things like sex, partying, thrills, money, love, approval, success, power, comfort or our Jobs

Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.

Rom 2:24

These things are not necessarily bad, but if we make them our gods, (like we always end up doing, consciously aware or not) we will get disappointed. We always do, there no two ways about it. When that person doesn't show up, when that job doesn't give us the comfort we expected from it, when we don't get that Approval from that one person, we always hit rock bottom. And it Drains us

“`But there is only one person who can give us all we need. Only God can truly complete and satisfy us. We are lost without Him. A lost cause! We all have to put our trust in God. Trust that He will satisfy every need. He always does. He never lets us down.

My Prayer for you is that you may put all your trust in God. And know that without Him you have no good thing. And that these words won’t ever depart from your mouth.

I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing Ps.16:2

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